Kent Wildlife Trust – Upper Mystole Park Farm Wetland Creation

Brief Kent Wildlife Trust planned to develop a 2-hectare wetland area at Upper Mystole Farm, near Canterbury, with work scheduled from June to October 2024. The project brief included excavating land, managing vegetation, installing drainage systems, and constructing ponds across multiple wetland areas with adherence to precise ecological specifications. The work also required handling materials…

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Upper Stone Vineyard

As part of Heathcote Holdings, FGS Pilcher benefits from having a close working relationship with other companies within the group. In a recent vineyard creation project, ground preparation, soil analysis and more were required which alongside our sister company, FGS Organics, we are able to provide fully in house. This collaboration led to 7.5 acres…

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New Robotic Milking Parlour

FGS Pilcher has recently been undertaking an exciting agricultural project – the construction of a robotic milking parlour. This project is not only set to improve the traditional milking process but also predicts an increase in milk production. The overarching goal is to streamline operations and improved the welfare of the animals. This project also…

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Graveney Wetland Creation

We have recently undertaken a 91-acre wetland creation project for habitat enhancement on a site that is recognised as a special protection area (SPA) & Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Using our excavators and tracked dumpers we undertook works that included the creation of large scrapes, foot drains and bunding. These elements will facilitate…

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RSPB Dungeness Island Creation

FGS Pilcher were contracted by the RSPB to undertake an island creation project in Burrowes Pit Dungeness. We created four islands which cover an area of approximately 2500m2, forming some of the biggest islands on the lake. The islands are at a height where they will be accessible to birds in any weather and water…

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Natural Flood Management

We have undertaken a natural flood management project within ancient woodland along two tributaries to the river Beult, near Shadoxhurst, Kent. The works involved backfilling overly deepened channels, regrading them to create wider and shallower channels, whilst using trees felled from the site to create silt traps and natural barriers. These works helped to slow…

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Wetlands Restoration

FGS Pilcher have undertaken a large project for the RSPB at the Seasalter Levels in Whitstable, Kent. We restored a large part of the wetland area within the levels. Over the past few years, the levels have been dry especially during the spring when they should be wet. The grant funded project was part of…

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Orchard Tree Hole Drilling

We have been undertaking hole drilling in preparation for new orchard trees to be planted. Using our specialist wide track, low ground pressure excavator we were able to travel up the rows leaving no mess or ruts. Using the auger attachment, we had to drill around 20,000 holes for a new section of apple orchard…

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High Heavens Waste Complex

Following a fire within the bulky waste bay in 2019, it was recognised that the existing facilities at the site were inadequate. With the assistance of Countrystyle, Buckinghamshire Council required a standalone storage facility to meet EA guidance they have set out.

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Vegetation clearance

Romney Marsh – Kent Wildlife Trust

Last year we undertook some ditching work using grant money from The Fifth Continent scheme in partnership with the Kent Wildlife Trust. The Fifth Continent Landscape Partnership Scheme seeks to deliver a number of exciting projects based around three key themes to Restore, Rediscover and Reclaim Romney Marsh.

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Farm Building Conversion

  One of our latest Civils projects. We worked with Michael and Peter Sargent at S E Lane, Biddenden to convert an existing farm building into a milking parlour and cubicle building. The project, which also involved installing a flushing water system, is now completed and being used by its new residents!

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Boundary Maintenance

  We have been undertaking estate maintenance and boundary maintenance in Bethersden. We used our excavator mounted cut and grab tree saw to undertake controlled high rise, controlled tree management.

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